About Us

Over half a million children in the UK, and millions worldwide can’t reach their true potential because of their financial situations and a lack of opportunities. The goal of StepUp is to change that. In a society as advanced as ours, it is unacceptable that the odds are stacked against a child simply because they come from a disadvantaged environment. StepUp will ensure that all children have access to the same learning opportunities as children from more fortunate backgrounds.

We’ve developed a workbook learning system that helps them master core concepts in five areas: Maths, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Logic and Creation. In practising these concepts daily and increasing difficulty one step at a time, children discover belief in their abilities, develop self-confidence and gain the study skills that will help them far exceed expectations.

We want to reach as many children as possible with our online downloadable workbook programmes and interactive learning materials. By providing these materials free of charge, we hope to empower communities, families and children all over the world to create their own success.

The most valuable resource in the world is time. StepUp believes parents who do not have the financial means or resources but who may have unlimited time for their children, should not be denied the chance to provide them with additional learning opportunites. With increased use of technology by children, StepUp’s easy to use, all inclusive site can further empower children to take responsibility for their own learning under minimal supervision.